Dineke Versluis
I had the distinct pleasure of reviewing Dineke's works at the Photo Plus Festival and immediately found not only the images but the person behind them to be remarkable and thought provoking. Dineke's works spoke to me in that they were dynamic in their beautiful simplicity. The space was timeless to me in that they speak to place and actual time. These contemporary images so stark and mindful shares with us the sense of architecture and humanity in home and recreation and comfort perhaps without personability. Really giving me pause to look again and again. These are pictures of home without people but not without humanity. We know these are structures that house us but in Dineke's view they allow us to see the structure, the presence, the place. Lovely, empty but full, they remind me of so many things regarding home, abstract in a way but still driven by persons. Perhaps on holiday or day to day. I as always like to reference the artists words in paraphrasing 'capturing recreation scenes and everyday occurrences in the social landscape".
I'm so pleased that we can share this work.
Steven J Duede. - Fine Art Photography, Independent Curator of Aspect Initiative
Dineke Versluis
In her work as a visual artist and photographer, Dineke Versluis has been documenting outdoor situations and architectural sites, often void of live human activity. With her symmetrical approach and love for detail, she aims to achieve an unbiased view by literally putting her subjects at a certain distance, driven by the desire to capture a minute part of reality before it is lost to view and forever left unnoticed.
Dineke’s Leisure portfolio is an ever-growing testimony to the surroundings of holidaying people. She captures recreational scenes and everyday occurrences in the social landscape, in either coastal areas, or at surprisingly uncommon locations around the world.
Dineke lives and works in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Holidaying
Series like Holidaying are usually not planned or composed in advance. Escaping my hometown, I often find myself photographing situations that match the mood I was trying to clear my mind off in the first place.
The neighbours being so close, the informal social control, the oppressiveness. I am thinking about identity, or the lack thereof. At the same time, I am drawn to the colours, the different shades of the campers, the greens and the blue sky. To both the similarities and the little differences, the visual repetition. I start collecting
Visit Dineke dinekeversluis.nl/